Thursday, June 14, 2012

List of new epic items !

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New Epic Items
The latest update tonight brought us some new epic items, along with several other items that were missing from our database. For the full list of over 600 new items, check out WoWDB!

476One-handed AxeMeleeOne HandInelava, Spirit of Inebriation
476One-handed MaceSpell SpiritMain HandJe'lyu, Spirit of the Serpent
509StaffSpell DPSTwo HandJin'ya, Orb of the Waterspeaker
509ArmorSpell DPSBackCloak of Overwhelming Corruption
509ArmorMeleeTrinketDarkmist Vortex
509ArmorPhysical DPSTrinketTerror in the Mists
509ArmorTankFingerVizier's Ruby Signet
502ArmorSpell SpiritNeckZian's Choker of Coalesced Shadow
500ClothSpell SpiritChestRobe of Eternal Rule
500ClothSpell SpiritChestLegacy of the Emperor
476ClothSpell SpiritChestRobes of Creation
509ClothSpell SpiritWaistHealer's Belt of Final Winter
509ClothSpell SpiritWristsCuffs of the Corrupted Waters
476ClothSpell SpiritHandsGloves of Creation
500ClothSpell SpiritHandsImperial Silk Gloves
500ClothSpell SpiritHandsTouch of the Light
509ClothSpell DPSHeadHood of the Burning Scroll
509ClothSpell DPSShouldersMantle of the Burning Scroll
509ClothSpell DPSChestRobes of the Burning Scroll
476ClothSpell DPSChestSpelltwister's Grand Robe
509ClothSpell DPSWaistSorcerer's Belt of Final Winter
509ClothSpell DPSLegsLeggings of the Burning Scroll
509ClothSpell DPSWristsAttenuating Bracers
476ClothSpell DPSHandsSpelltwister's Gloves
509ClothSpell DPSHandsGloves of the Burning Scroll
509LeatherMeleeWristsSmooth Beetle Wristbands
476LeatherSpell SpiritChestNightfire Robe
476LeatherSpell SpiritChestWildblood Vest
476LeatherSpell SpiritHandsLiferuned Leather Gloves
476LeatherSpell SpiritHandsWildblood Gloves
476LeatherPhysical DPSChestChestguard of Nemeses
476LeatherPhysical DPSChestGreyshadow Chestguard
476LeatherPhysical DPSHandsGreyshadow Gloves
476LeatherPhysical DPSHandsMurderer's Gloves
509MailMeleeWaistRanger's Chain of Unending Summer
476MailSpell SpiritChestLifekeeper's Robe
509MailSpell SpiritFeetLightning Prisoner's Boots
509MailSpell SpiritWristsLuminescent Firefly Wristguards
476MailSpell SpiritHandsLifekeeper's Gloves
476MailPhysical DPSChestChestguard of Earthen Harmony
476MailPhysical DPSChestRaiment of Blood and Bone
476MailPhysical DPSHandsRaven Lord's Gloves
476MailPhysical DPSHandsGloves of Earthen Harmony
476MailSpell DPSChestStormbreaker Chestguard
476MailSpell DPSHandsFists of Lightning
509PlateTankWristsSerrated Wasp Bracers
476PlateMeleeChestBreastplate of Ancient Steel
476PlateSpell SpiritChestLiving Steel Breastplate
476PlateSpell SpiritHandsLiving Steel Gauntlets

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