Thursday, January 05, 2012

Best Mage PVP spec 4.3

Frost is the best mage spec for PvP right now. You can literally bring a target from 100% to 20% if set up correctly in a one quick burst. Frost has the most mobility and CC. Arcane and fire are possibilities but simply aren't as good as frost. With this spec you can use it to win in arena over and over again. You can also use this spec in battlegrounds to farm your honor!

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Best Mage PvP Spec Breakdown
Frost Talents

best mage pvp spec2/2 Early Frost: Reduces the cast time on your frostbolts every 15 seconds by 0.6 = Quick shatters. Easy choice.

3/3 Piercing Ice: Since mages stack mastery now, you need all the crit you can get. 9% extra crit chance on shatters makes it another must have.

2/2 Shatter: Need I explain? Without this, you wouldn’t be a frost mage. This is what makes frost the best Mage PvP spec.

best mage pvp spec ice floes3/3 Ice Floes: 20% cooldown reduction on your main burst spells and your defensive spells. Great talent all around.

coc mage pvp spec2/2 Improved Cone of Cold: I chose this over Shattered Barrier because both talents’ novas have the same DR and Cone of Cold causes a 4 second nova on demand, instead of having your barrier break and auto-novaing at the wrong time.

3/3 Permafrost: Small mortal strike effect and extra slows. Very useful.

1/1 Icy Veins: This is one of your main burst spells. It gives you 20% haste, which can make getting sheeps off way easier. Use it along with a Deep Freeze for huge burst. With Early Frost, it makes your frostbolt around a 1.15 second cast time.

3/3 Fingers of Frost: Required. Your Ice Lance will hit almost as hard as your frostbolt with a stack of Fingers of Frost. Your Frostfire Bolt benefits from this aswell.

3/3 Improved Freeze: I love this. Instantly gives you 2 charges of Fingers of Frost when you pet nova. This allows me to peel for my team or set up focused bursts on a target.

cs best mage pvp spec1/1 Cold Snap: No explanation needed. Resets all Frost cooldowns. Required for any PvP Mage spec.

3/3 Brain Freeze: Makes your slows proc a buff at chance that makes your next frostfire bolt instant. Pair this up with a Fingers of Frost proc, and your shatter will be huge.

1/3 Enduring Winter: Put one point of this to get the the next tier. the mana regen on it isn’t that much and the 3% less mana cost isn’t that great, but it’s better than nothing.

1/1 Ice Barrier: This is a mage’s best friend. Absorbs 15k damage on a 24 second cooldown. A great addition to any PvP Mage spec.

2/2 Frostfire Orb: This talent is great. It makes your Flame Orb slow targets, which allows it to proc Brain Freeze or Fingers of Frost.

1/1 Deep Freeze: Main burst spell. Use this right, and you can kill a target in a Deep Freeze almost 100% of the time.
Fire Talents

moe mage pvp spec2/2 Master of Elements: 30% mana back on your crits is nice, on the rare occasion you’re going OOM.

3/3 Burning Soul: Very helpful talent when you’re getting trained and you need to get a shatter off/sheep someone.

1/2 Blazing Speed: Very useful talent. Blazing Speed has saved me many times. This is just another escape talent added to your array of get-a-ways

2/2 Impact: Great talent for when you need to lockout a healer for that TINY bit longer to get a kill, or even save your partner from death.
Arcane Talents

2/2 Improved Counterspell: REQUIRED for EVERY Mage PvP spec. Mostly used in situations when a kill target is low, and the healer is on DRs.

Best Mage PvP Spec Glyphs

Ice Lance: More damage on your Ice Lance shatters = faster kills.

Frostbolt: Like I said, mages need all the crit they can get. 15% extra crit chance when shattering makes this a great addition to the best Mage PvP spec.

Frostfire: This gives you 15% more damage on Frostfire Bolt, but removes the slow. I use this because of the huge damage increase, and because you only use Frostfire Bolt when Brain Freeze is procced, rendering the slow useless.

Evocation: This has saved me countless times. When my healer is cced and can’t get out, I can blink out of LoS and Evo, healing myself for 40% of my Health.

Frost Armor: You’re going to be going against melee cleaves sometimes. Taking this allows you to use Frost Armor AND keep the Mage Armor mana regen effect. Very helpful.

Polymorph: Great glyph. When you sheep a target, it’ll remove all dots on that target.

Arcane Brilliance: You’ll need to rebuff often, so why not make rebuffing cost less mana… just incase.

Slow Fall: No more reagent needed to cast slow fall. Use slow fall as an extra buff that opponents need to waste mana dispelling/spellstealing.

Armors: Makes your armors last an hour. Games don’t usually last longer than that.

That does it for my breakdown of the best Mage PvP spec. I hope I’ve convinced you to switch over to Frost if you haven’t already! More updates to come as the game changes.

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